Blueprint changed by James Page: Whiteboard changed: [USER STORIES] - - Joan is deploying a new OpenStack Cloud; she's able to deploy OpenStack - Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04 via the Ubuntu Cloud Archive. + Joan is deploying a new OpenStack Cloud; she's able to deploy OpenStack Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04 via the Ubuntu Cloud Archive. Frank wants to use OpenStack Barbican to secure secrets within his OpenStack Cloud; he's able to deploy Barbican and use it easily via the Ubuntu Cloud Archive. Sam has some packaging changes and fixes he's like to contribute to the Debian and Ubuntu packages; he's able to use the upstream OpenStack gerrit review system to proposed and get his changes landed. Thomas is a Debian developer who would like to collaborate more with Ubuntu developers on OpenStack packaging; as the dependency chain is converged between Ubuntu and Debian, and the packaging branches are all upstream under stackforge, cross distro collaboration is really quite easy. Tom wants to test out OpenStack Manila; he's able to use this via the Liberty Cloud Archive. [ASSUMPTIONS] + Liberty will release around the same time as 15.10. + Manila and Designate are mature enough to fully support. + [RISKS] + + [IN SCOPE] + OpenStack packaging. + Migration of dev process upstream for better collaboration. + [OUT OF SCOPE] + Charm updates for liberty (covered on charms blueprint). + Trunk package builds. + [USER ACCEPTANCE] + Fully tested and deployed Liberty clouds using Juju charms and OSCI. + [RELEASE NOTE/BLOG] + Ubuntu 15.10 includes the latest OpenStack release, Liberty....
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