Inskaffat: Asus PC 900 med 16 gb SSD och Xandros
Önskan: Att byta ut xandros mot Ubuntu Hardy 8.04*
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Läs manualerna medans du laddar batteriet, och täänk efter. Vilka fler
ska använda din EEE?
Ladda batteriet *ORDENTLIGT*!
Slå på datorn, gå in i Bios, och aktivera Webcamen, den tar för övrigt
mycket bra bilder.
Surfa in på
Läs manualen där, för den late skickar jag med det som en bifogad fil,
och med filändelse .txt
Läs den noga, genom den här manualen får du ut det mesta du vill ha, och
lite lite till :)
Hoppas det här ger lite mer klarhet. Lycka till!
Checklist for installing Ubuntu 8.04 on an Asus 900 20G, ver 1.0
01) Download ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso (the normal Ubuntu)
02) Download unetbootin-eeeubuntu-windows-238.exe
03) In Windows, run unetbootin-eeeubuntu-windows-238.exe
(in Windows Vista, run as Administrator) and follow the
instructions (install Ubuntu 8.04 Live on the USB key)
04) Put the key in the upper USB slot and start the eee pc
05) During boot process, press the ESC key for a couple of times
06) Select the USB FLASH DRIVE and press ENTER to continue
07) Ubuntu Live should be up and running a few moments later
08) Click the Install icon
09) Configure the installation to your likings
10) Once you get to 'Prepare disk space', select Manual
11) Set up the partitions like this (no need for swap space-, or
BIOS partitions!);
/dev/sda1 ext2 4030MB format=yes mount=/
/dev/sda3 8MB <-- delete these partitions and
/dev/sda4 8MB <-- merge freed space with sda1
/dev/sdb1 ext3 16137MB format=yes mount=/home
12) Continue (and ignore warning about no swap space)
13) Finish the rest of the installation of Ubuntu on your eee pc
14) When done, restart and press the power button until it's
really shut down, then remove the usb key
15) Start your eee pc
16) During boot process, press the F2 key for a couple of times
17) Go to the Advanced tab and select Onboard Devices Config
18) Make sure everything is enabled, press F10 and Ok
19) Reboot your eee pc and login
20) Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal)
and type the following commands (and follow instructions);
1) sudo gedit /etc/fstab
Comment out the /dev/sdb1 line (put # in front of the line)
Add the following lines;
tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs noatime 0 0
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs noatime 0 0
21) Save the file and exit the editor
22) Clean the following software packages. Go to
Applications -> Add/Remove -> Search;
1) Tomboy Notes
2) Nibbles (and the rest of the games package)
3) F-Spot Photo Manager
4) XSane Image Scanner
5) Ekiga Softphone
6) Audio CD Extractor
7) Brasero Disc Burning
In Senaptic Package Manager (Go to System ->
Administration -> Senaptic Package Manager), remove;
1) Evolution
2) Pidgin Internet Messenger
23) Plug in a network cable directly in your router/modem
(WiFi doesn't work yet, because the drivers are missing)
24) Download (version 0.4) to your desktop
25) Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal)
and type the following commands;
1) mkdir ~/Desktop/rt
2) mv ~/Desktop/ ~/Desktop/rt
3) gedit ~/Desktop/rt/
In the editor, enable line numbers by going to Edit ->
Preferences -> Display line numbers
Next, remove the lines at 104-112
And then remove the lines at 88-92
26) Save the file and exit the editor
27) Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal)
and type the following commands;
1) cd ~/Desktop/rt
2) chmod +x
3) ./
28) When the script is finished you should move the green
monitor icon (located in the 'rt' folder) to your desktop
and then delete the rt folder
29) Reboot your eee pc and login again
30) Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal)
and type the following commands (and follow instructions);
1) wget
2) sudo mv -v array.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
3) wget
4) sudo apt-key add array-apt-key.asc
5) sudo apt-get update
6) sudo apt-get install linux-eeepc linux-headers-eeepc
31) Reboot your eee pc and login again
32) Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal)
and type the following command;
1) alsamixer
Configure the settings of 'Capture' like this;
Front Mic Boost: 67
Mic Boost: 67
Capture: 84
Digital: 87
Input Source: Front Mic
Configure the settings of 'Playback' like this;
Master: 100
Headphone: 100 (= enabled)
PCM: 94
Front: 100
Front Mic: 0 + Muted
Front Mic Boost: 67
Mic: 0 + Muted
Mic Boost: 67
33) Exit AlsaMixer
34) Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal)
and type the following commands (and follow instructions);
1) sudo gedit /etc/modules
Now append the following lines to the file;
pciehp pciehp_debug=1 pciehp_force=1
snd_hda_intel model=auto
35) Save the file and exit the editor
36) Now is a good time to enable your WiFi
37) Next, go to System -> Preferences -> Encryption and Keyrings,
under Password Keyrings click on 'login Automatically
unlocked when user logs in.' Click 'Change Unlock Password'
Enter your old password, but leave the new password fields
38) Reboot your eee pc and login again
39) Installing Compiz-Fusion is recommended only if you insist
on having pointless eye candy
Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal)
and type the following commands;
1) sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri
2) sudo apt-get install compiz-core compiz-plugins
compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra
emerald compizconfig-settings-manager
3) ccsm
40) Configure optimizations for the small screen
1) General options -> Focus & Raise behaviour, disable Click
to Focus, Auto-Raise and Raise on Click
2) Filter: Move Window, disable Constrain Y
3) Filter: Window Decoration, in Command type 'emerald'
41) Configure plugins
1) Filter: Animations, Minimize Effect; disable entirely
2) Filter: Enhanced Zoom Desktop, Negative, Desktop Cube,
Expo, Rotate Cube, Viewport Switcher, Cube Reflection,
Window Decoration, Wobbly Windows, Cube Caps; enable all
3) Filter: Desktop Cube, in Transparent Cube, set Opacity
During Rotation to 40%
4) Filter: Wobbly Windows, in General, disable Snap Inverted
5) Filter: Scale, Filter: Initiate Window Picker For All
Windows, select TopRight corner
6) Filter: Move Window, set Opacity to 80%
7) Filter: General Options, in Desktop Size, set Horizontal
Virtual Size to 4
42) Automatically startup Compiz, by going to System ->
Preferences -> Sessions, now click Add; Name: Compiz,
Command: compiz -replace, Comment: Compiz-Fusion
43) Reboot your eee pc and login again
44) Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal)
and type the following commands (and follow instructions);
1) sudo apt-get install localepurge
2) sudo localepurge
(Follow the instructions of localpurge)
3) sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg xine-plugin
4) sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3
gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly flashplugin-nonfree
45) Install the updates presented by the Update Manager
46) Set FireFox settings; In the address bar enter: about:config
Set browser.enable_automatic_image_resizing to false
Install add-ons, e.g. Adblock Plus
47) Install Skype, open a terminal (Applications ->
Accessories -> Terminal) and type the following commands;
1) sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Now append the following line to the file;
deb stable
2) sudo apt-get update
3) sudo apt-get install skype
48) Create Nautilus Root Access short-cut (a security-risk!);
Create Launcher (right-click the desktop)
Type: app, Name: Nautilus, Command: gksu nautilus,
Comment: Root privileges, Icon:
49) Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal)
and type the following command (and follow instructions);
1) sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
Set timeout to 0
50) Save the file and exit the editor, you're done ...
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