Hi Nathan,

Canonical has *very* little to do with this.  Everything is up to OEMs and
carriers.  So you'll need to rely on Bq or Meizu for any kind of definitive

I know that that is the official response when pppl ask about a possible
new device on the cards. And I appreciate that such an announcement would
certainly be up to oems.
But if a device is actualy *not* being worked on (anymore) by Canonical,
Why shouldnt that be ok for Canonical to say so? Just like I would expect
Canonical to be in a position to confirm it is NOT currently developing an
Ubuntu edition of say a Lumia 640.

i am of course refering to the vanishing Midori images. Also, at least some
of the buzz of months past about the MX6 must have originated from
Canonical sources ;) But we have seen no more news or hints for months now.
So if the MX6 is -for some reason- no more, it would be cool -and really
practical info for me and a lot of others- if that could be confirmed.



On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 11:59 AM, Nicholas Thurel <nicholas.thu...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> As far as I know, there's a port for the OnePlus One available in the
> forums.
> It could be nice to give it a try knowing the ease to flash that device.
> As soon as I can change my phone, I'll flash my OPO with UT.
> On the other hand, looks like there are no more Ubuntu phones about
> (previous links say out of stock).
> It might need a bit more demonstration to catch the OEMs' eyes. We can't
> really blame the phone makes if there's no visible market.
> Nick
> On Fri, 26 Aug 2016 at 11:38 Matthias Apitz <g...@unixarea.de> wrote:
>> El día Friday, August 26, 2016 a las 10:27:29AM +0200, Mathijs Veen
>> escribió:
>> > @Matthias, your link points to the tablet. The op was asking about
>> phones.
>> Sorry for that confusion. When I do read 'ubuntu touch' device, I tend
>> to think in tablet.
>>         matthias
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