yes its the canonical web app
seems not to do this if i close a few applications, not that i have many running, but saying that that might not fix it have to reboot
its like the phones running out of memory ?

The today scope and twitter scope links not working
Im on a BQ4.5
ive tried selecting a tweet on the twitter scope and the link is not a link just plain text ive tested selecting a tweet on the today scope and again the link does not work
ive tested a link in the twitter web app and they work

in both the today scope and the twitter scope if i select view on twitter and they both open a web browser and not the twitter app.

hope this helps can send screen shots if required.


On 14/12/15 23:28, knitzsche wrote:

On 12/14/2015 05:03 PM, Wayne Ward wrote:
Getting this error a lot in twitter after phones been on a while any idea what would prevent it or if its a known problem being fixed...

I think that is the web app (If it is the scope, I need to know :)

Also on the today scope and twitter scopes links don't work and if you click open in twitter on a tweet why does it open a browser and not the twitter app installed..

Which links don't work when opening tweets from today scope or twitter scope? (They seem to be working for me...)

Although I have to say with these recent twitter updates I've started using twitter full time and its a great experience :)


Regards Wayne

Wayne Ward
UK:    07810242823
Spain: 655 365 852

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