As you probably noticed, 55 looked *really* good on the automated
tests, with greater than 98% pass on both phones and only 1 crash

Unfortunately, popey pointed out a critical issue on IRC:
<popey> rsalveti: i wouldn't promote 55 with bug 1259253
<ubot5> bug 1259253 in click (Ubuntu) "UID changes for clickpkg user
breaks app updates/installs" [High,Triaged]

So that may keep 55 back for now, but it's definitely a step in the
right direction!

On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Didier Roche <> wrote:
> Hey,
> Let's keep it short,
> we had multiples images kicked by a cron job this week-end, containing mtp
> fixes to get better adb stability, and so, better in term of our testing.
> The tests results shows that, we are at ~95% of test passing!
> We still fought due to an "ust" ABI transition + a new dependency on it of
> the upstart-app-launcher dragging unity-mir, content-hub and url-dispatcher
> being stuck in proposed (because of not being able to build anymore on arm64
> due to that new build-dependency). It took the day to be able to track/fix
> it (both ABI transitions and dependencies). The latest touch image
> containing those fixes just finished to build and now, we have several hours
> of integration tests running + some dogfooding.
> We know that is an existing bug way
> easier to trigger since we have latest unity8. I proposed as seeing the test
> case to not block promotion on it, but having the unity8 team focusing on it
> as well as the other 2 bugs that was listed the past days.
> Let's cross fingers that image #55 will be the new promoted one tomorrow
> morning.
> Then, we can resume normal landings.
> Cheers,
> Didier
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