Will we get T-shirts?

2013/8/7 David Planella <david.plane...@ubuntu.com>

> Hi all,
> Today we are announcing our second [Ubuntu App Showdown!][]. Contestants
> will have six weeks to build and publish their apps using the new Ubuntu
> SDK and Ubuntu Touch platform. Both original apps and ported apps,
> native and HTML 5, will qualify for this competition.
> The winners of this contest will each receive an **LG Nexus 4 phone**
> running [Ubuntu Touch][] with their application pre-installed.
> Furthermore, each of the winners will have an opportunity to have their
> app included in the default Ubuntu install images for phones and
> tablets. All valid entries will also become available for install on
> Ubuntu Touch devices from the Apps lens in the Dash, using the new Click
> packages and Software Center submission process.
> All valid entries will also become available for install on Ubuntu Touch
> devices from the Apps lens in the Dash, using the new Click packages and
> Software Center submission process.
> # Judges
> The jury will be composed by a team of five judges:
> -   **Jono Bacon**, Ubuntu Community Manager
> -   **Joey-Elijah Sneddon**, writer and editor-in-chief of OMG!Ubuntu
> -   **Lisette Slegers**, User Experience Designer at Canonical
> -   **Nekhelesh Ramananthan**, Ubuntu Touch Core App developer
> -   **Bill Filler**, Engineering Manager for the Phone & Tablet App Team
> # Review criteria
> The jury will judge applications according to the following criteria:
> -   **General Interest** - apps that are of more interest to general
>     phone users will be scored higher. We recommend identifying what
>     most phone users want to see, and identifying gaps that your app
>     could fill.
> -   **Features** - a wide range of useful and interesting features.
> -   **Quality** - a high quality, stable, and bug-free application
>     experience.
> -   **Design** - your app should harness the [Ubuntu Design
>     Guidelines][] so it looks, feels, and operates like an Ubuntu app.
> -   **Awareness / Promotion** - we will award extra points to those of
>     you who blog, tweet, facebook, Google+, and otherwise share updates
>     and information about your app as it progress.
> If you are not a programmer and want to share some ideas for cool apps,
> be sure to [add and vote apps on our reddit page][].
> # How To Enter
> The contest is **free to enter and open to everyone**. The six week
> period starts on the **Wed 7th August 2013**!
> Enter the Ubuntu App Showdown:
>   http://developer.ubuntu.com/showdown/
> Looking forward to seeing all your cool apps!
>   [Ubuntu App Showdown!]: http://developer.ubuntu.com/showdown/
>   [Ubuntu Touch]: http://www.ubuntu.com/phone
>   [Ubuntu Design Guidelines]: http://design.ubuntu.com/apps
>   [add and vote apps on our reddit page]:
> http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntuappshowdown/
> --
> David Planella
> Ubuntu App Development Liaison
> http://gplus.to/dplanella / @dplanella
> www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.org
> --
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