Dear all,
Although I set the deadline for this discussion at October 17th, I think it a good idea to inform you of the current situation. First, I want to thank all of you who have reacted so far. I would also like to invite all members who have not done so yet to please send us your reaction.
At this moment we can say that we have the following ACTIVE members:
Old members:
Sylvie Gallet (author, editor, translator, screenshot editor, a centipede! ;) )
Mehmet Kani
Thomas Corwin (author, especially Wine)
Kevin Godby (our technician, knows all the ins and outs of UMP)
Hannie Dumoleyn (author, editor, translator, coordinator)
New members:
Mehmet Atun (new, but very active already! ;) ) (wants to be author, editor, coordinator, bug fixer)
Jeffrey Flaker (wants to work on smaller sections, due to time constraints)
Michel Memeteau (wants to contribute as an author)
Cliff Barnes (wants to contribute as an author)
Sneha Gopinath (asks for latest tasklist or assignments)

So far, so good. Ideally, we would like to see that all sections, see our shared spreadsheet [1], have an author and an editor. For that to work we need many contributors. As you can see, this was not the case for Trusty. I think we can continue working with this system where contributors can fill in their names next to the section(s) of their preference (smaller or larger ones). We also would like to have a coordinator for the editors and one for the authors. He or she will see to it that all sections get an author and an editor assigned to them. This may become a time consuming job when there are not enough contributors. The coordinator will try to find more contributors to fill the gaps. If we continue with only LTS versions, I suggest we make a new sheet for standard versions to keep track of all things new to that version and the state of bug fixes. We'll have a look at that as soon as we have decided what we are going to do in the future (After the deadline of this discussion I will start a new one, also bringing in Sylvie's suggestion of publishing a second edition of Trusty). Anyone who has suggestions, questions, etc. please send them to this list so everyone can read them.

I would like to contribute. Please provide me latest tasklist or assignments.

Thanks and Regards,

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 5:21 PM, Hannie Dumoleyn < <>> wrote:

   To all,
   Where do we go from here?
   Finishing the last version of our manual, 14.04 LTS, was a real
   struggle. There were hardly any contributors to do the job. As you
   may have noticed, we did not start Utopic because we did not get
   enough new active contributors in time.
   We would like to start a discussion on what to do next.

   Is the manual useful to Ubuntu users?
   Below you find statistics on the number of printed purchases and
   downloads of our manual.

   How many active members do we have?
   @ all, please let us know via this list if you are still interested
   in contributing as an author, editor, translator, screenshot editor
   or coordinator. After receiving your reactions, we can make up a
   list of all remaining ACTIVE members. We would also appreciate it if
   those of you who do not wish to continue contributing let us know of
   this decision.

   Standard versions or only LTS versions?
   We could opt for the publication of LTS versions (every 2 years)
   only. This means less work for a small team like ours, but it
   implies the risk of contributors losing interest.
   @all: please let us know if, as an active contributor, you would
   prefer to contribute to all versions or only LTS versions.

   How can you contribute?
   By dividing the work in chapters and sections, contributors
   (authors/editors) can decide what chapter they want to work on. Some
   sections are very small, others are lengthy. If you want to
   contribute, but do not have much time, you can just choose a small
   We also need author/editor coordinators. This will require more
   time. Let us know if you are interested.

   Current situation
   It is too late to start working on the Utopic version. In order to
   be able to decide what to do next, we urge all of you to respond to
   this email As Soon As Possible, but before October 17th.



   Here are some statistics.

   The number of printed book purchases since the beginning of 2014
   (only showing the 13.04, 13.10, and 14.04 editions):

   Erste Schritte mit Ubuntu 13.04 - 741
   Getting Started with Ubuntu 13.04 - 63
   Getting Started with Ubuntu 13.10 - 212
   Getting Started with Ubuntu 14.04 - 56
   Premiers pas avec Ubuntu 13.04 - 29
   Premiers pas avec Ubuntu 13.10 - 120
   Primeros pasos con Ubuntu 13.10 - 10

   Here are the totals for the downloads (since the beginning of time):

   Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04
     - English: 194,721
     - German: 47,899
     - Greek: 40,111
     - Dutch: 19,657

   Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04e2
     - English: 91,472
     - German: 19,712
     - Lithuanian: 6,397

   Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.10
     - English: 73,569

   Getting Started with Ubuntu 11.10
     - English: 25,378

   Getting Started with Ubuntu 12.04
     - English: 72,840

   Getting Started with Ubuntu 12.04e2
     - English: 44,465
     - German: 33,481
     - Spanish: 28,668
     - French: 6,778
     - Dutch: 14,688
     - Slovenian: 449

   Getting Started with Ubuntu 12.10
     - English: 19,5683
     - French: 32,050

   Getting Started with Ubuntu 13.04
     - English: 51,245
     - German: 26,676
     - French: 16,632
     - Slovenian: 1,941

   Getting Started with Ubuntu 13.10
     - English: 76,883
     - Spanish: 17,503
     - French: 48,170

   Getting Started with Ubuntu 14.04
     - English: 13,021

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