
Apologies for the lack of communication Odeon me. The family has one more
now. A cuddly boy of two weeks!

I'll work on what I can this week.

Thank you all and let's get this done :-).

-Mario "Crustybarnacle"
On Mar 26, 2014 1:09 AM, "Hannie Dumoleyn" <>

>  Thanks, Thomas and Carsten, for helping Allen.
> @Allen, I am glad to hear you have now installed Texlive successfully.
> If you need any help with your contributions as an author or editor,
> please let us know. If there is a particular subject you want to work on,
> please add your name to the chapter or section in our spreadsheet [1], tab
> Trusty.
> @all: as I have mentioned when we started with the Trusty version, this
> time I will not be available as editors coordinator. Since Jim also stopped
> being our authors coordinator, we really rely on you people to help with
> the (re)writing and editing of the manual, Trusty version. There is not
> much time left, so I would like to ask all of you: *please help*, there
> is not much time left before the release of Trusty. Have a look at our
> spreadsheet and pick a chapter or section to proofread. Just add your name
> to it on the spreadsheet, Thanks.
> Regards,
> Hannie
> [1]
> op 25-03-14 22:26, Allen Westenbarger schreef:
> Thanks Thomas,
> I made the changes to the script on my machine, and the install was
> successful.
> Allen
> On 03/25/2014 02:41 PM, Thomas Corwin wrote:
>  Hello everyone!
> Carsten,
> I have just tested the script on a Saucy and Trusty machine. For the
> saucy machine, I had to fix a problem with the script
> for the "ttf-farsiweb" package (replaced it with "fonts-farsiweb" on
> line 545 of the script to solve the problem). As for the Trusty
> installation, I had to not only change the "ttf-farsiweb" package, but
> I also couldn't install the "ttf-sazanami-mincho" package (replaced it
> with "fonts-ipafont-mincho" on line 545 of the script to solve the
> problem).
> If you would like me to push the edited script to the branch, I'd be
> happy to.
> Allen,
> Hopefully this will solve your problem. If you need any further help,
> just let us know!
> Thanks,
> Thomas Corwin
> On 03/24/2014 03:27 AM, Hannie Dumoleyn wrote:
>  Hi Carsten,
> Thanks for helping Allen. I replied him with the message below, but I
> forgot to CC this list.
> Greets,
> Hannie
> Hello Allen,
> Although I am not a Texlive specialist, I would say that perhaps you
> have the wrong version of Texlive installed. Did you install it from
> their website?
> This is the version I have installed (and I get no font errors):
> Command: tlmgr --version
> Output:
> tlmgr revision 28216 (2012-11-09 13:34:08 +0100)
> tlmgr using installation: /usr/local/texlive/2012
> TeX Live ( version 2012
> I am sure other people from our team can help you, if it is not a
> version problem.
> Regards,
> Hannie
> op 22-03-14 22:28, Allen Westenbarger schreef:
>  Hi all,
> I'm trying to get my system configured to help out with the project,
> but
> I'm running into some issues with the script.
> -- Checking rpsyr.tfm TeX file...not installed!
> -- Checking rpzdr.tfm TeX file...not installed!
> -- Checking ttf-linux-libertine Ubuntu package...not found.
> -- Checking ttf-farsiweb Ubuntu package...not found.
> ttf-linux-libertine has been updated to fonts-linuxlibertine and
> ttf-farsiweb is now under fonts-farsiweb.  I've installed both via
> apt-get.
> How do I get the missing TeX files installed?  What do I need to do
> with
> the other two fonts?
> The make command errors with a font-not-found message, looking for "CC
> Icons"
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Allen
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