Hi Chris,
I am afraid "this evening" was yesterday :( Thanks for your offer; if it is still valid, could you please edit chapter 4: Hardware? See https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ar0Z6vOO38EydEdaSnhSX2M2WDdSZ3VGQk1qMDZBbHc#gid=1 for the current status.

Op 10-06-12 19:06, Chris Woollard schreef:
Is there any other chapters you would like me to take a look at?

I have free time this evening to hack away.


On 10 June 2012 14:58, <jimandma...@gmail.com <mailto:jimandma...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hey, Chris,

    I agree with you. I started editing this section on June 8th, and
    before I started, I pulled the latest rev, so I'm sure we're ok.

    Thanks for the heads-up!

    Hannie, I hope to finish my editing pass through this section and
    commit/push tonight.


    On , Chris Woollard <cwooll...@gmail.com
    <mailto:cwooll...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    > It probably alright.
    > I committed my changes last week
    > Chris
    > On Jun 10, 2012 11:42 AM, "Hannie Dumoleyn"
    lafeber-dumole...@zonnet.nl <mailto:lafeber-dumole...@zonnet.nl>>
    > Op 10-06-12 12:05, Chris Woollard schreef:
    > I have edited getting online
    > Chris
    > Hi Chris,
    > Oh dear, Jim has been working on this section too (see email below).
    > Could you guys contact each other about the progress and let me
    > know? I noticed it has not yet been pushed to Launchpad.
    > Regards,
    > Hannie
    > quote from email June 8 to mailing list:
    > Will do...I proof for not only grammar/content, but also for the tex
    > markup as well.
    > I would also like to remind everyone while we are in this crucial
    > phase where a lot of people have their hands in a lot of areas--that
    > we 'commit' as frequently as is reasonable and not sit too long on
    > any changes. This benefits everyone by making everyone's commit
    > process (and conflicts that can and do occur) as painless as
    > possible; it also prevents duplication of author and editor efforts.
    > Thanks.
    > On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 8:09 AM, Hannie Dumoleyn
    lafeber-dumole...@zonnet.nl <mailto:lafeber-dumole...@zonnet.nl>>
    > wrote:
    > It appeared Carsten had done the conversion for "getting online"
    > (see his mailing to the list), so it is ready for proofreading. Jim,
    > when you have finished proofreading Advanced topics, would you like
    > to do "getting online"?
    > Hannie
    > Op 08-06-12 15:27, Jim Connett schreef:
    > I can take 'getting online' if no one is doing it.

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