....Or even better: refactor the script and use zramctl. The man page even
has samples and howtos to setup a zram swap.

Em qua., 11 de dez. de 2019 às 09:01, Fábio Lima <fa...@fabiolima.eti.br>

> Package zram-config now defaults compression algorithm to lzo.
> What about to change to zstd?
> Inserting into line 21 of /usr/bin/init-zram-swapping would do it:
> `echo zstd > /sys/block/zram${DEVNUMBER}/comp_algorithm`
> zram-config is something real useful. In a context of inexpensive RAM, It
> is more wise disable swap on disk and use a compressed zram.
> zstd is an algo perfect for that. It best balance compression ratio and
> cpu usage.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Fábio Lima (fa...@fabiolima.eti.br)
> https://www.linkedin.com/in/fabiolimabr

Fábio Lima (fa...@fabiolima.eti.br)
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