Am 23.10.19 um 09:29 schrieb Alex Murray:
> On Wed, 2019-10-23 at 17:32:58 +1030, Robert Loehning wrote:
>> Am 22.10.19 um 18:41 schrieb Dmitry Shachnev:
>>> Hi again Robert,
>>> On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 02:14:01PM +0000, Robert Loehning wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> every application based on Qt will crash when opening a crafted plain
>>>> text file. Could you please add the patch below to your builds to fix this?
>>>> Thank you and have a nice weekend.
>>> Let me forward you a question I got on the bug:
>>>   This would appear to have security implications since I imagine if an 
>>> email
>>>   were sent to a KMail recipient which was crafted in this same way it would
>>>   crash KMail? If this is likely true a CVE should be requested from MITRE 
>>> via
>>> so that other distros etc can ensure they ship
>>>   this patch too.
>>> What do you think about this?
>>> --
>>> Dmitry Shachnev
>> Hi Dmitry,
>> this is most probably right. I expect that it's possible to crash KMail
>> in that way. With Quassel, it was already used ITW.
>> I don't think I'm authorized to send you such a crafted file, but if you
>> look closely at the test for the attached fix, you can probably figure
>> it out yourself.
>> I'm not aware of an existing CVE for this issue, though.
> FYI - I have just submitted a CVE application for this to MITRE so that
> all distros can be notified of, and backport the fix as appropriate.

Wonderful! Thank you so much!

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