
I wish to report an issue regarding environment-modules version 4.1.1-1 in
universe/devel. I run Linux Min 19 but this issue lies with Ubuntu. It's
not really a bug, more of a compatibility problem. According to the files
in the package this software is meant to be initialised during login since
it puts a file under /etc/profile.d/ named modules.sh which in turn sources
initialisation files under /usr/share/modules/init depending on the user's
shell. The initialisation fails because some files contain the shebang
#!/bin/sh which means that /bin/dash runs those files in particular a file
which sets up the shell command "module". The commands are then exported as
are a number of environment variables but apparently dash does not entirely
cope with this as the commands are not available when a terminal session is
started although the set environment variables are.

I use bash and I changed /bin/sh to point to /bin/bash instead of
/bin/dash, logged out and logged back in and the initalisaion worked as

I would suggest that the package be patched to cope with the user's choice
of shell provided it is supported by the package. Needless to say, dash is
not supported.

I do not know if Ubuntu sources /etc/profile during graphical login but
Mint does. In case Ubuntu doesn't I would suggest that the installation of
the package puts a sourcing line in ~/xsessionrc or tells the user to do
so, at least tell the user what to do to make it work.

I would really appreciate this to be done. The software is really handy and
many would welcome a pacage installation that works as intended.

You can find details of my trials and errors here:

If someone wishes to contact me in this matter please send a mail to

Kind regards,

Gösta Ljungdahl
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