I'm a dev who relies on updates on many machines; I write scripts to
handle them. I don't have the resources to investigate every daily build
to see if GRUB or PHP is going to ask a question that, under most
circumstances, needs the obvious, default answer.
This isn't just any Linux distro, this is the awesome Ubuntu, which we
use for its reliability. So, we don't need to have PHP and GRUB or any
other update nag us at the `apt upgrade -y` events. All `upgrade`
packages should come with a presumed response—GRUB's menu can be updated
when IT wants to, don't bother asking if I used `-y`; and no of course I
don't want to override all the php.ini settings I have for my production
servers. If upgrade packages need options, let the devs with more
resources still have the option, with information on how to automate
those in the `upgrade` well in advance, but not if using `upgrade -y`.
Cheers all!
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