Hi Jesse,
On 2016-12-06 16:21, Jesse Steele wrote:
In road maps, Taiwanese would love to see a GCIN option at Mandarin
install... or... GCIN's workflow as an option for IBUS and FCITX.
As I said, gcin is an option, even if it's not integrated in the Ubuntu
desktop in the same manner as IBus and Fcitx. Since I don't speak
Chinese I'm not able to tell how well it works.
With Taiwan making news recently, I want to express: Taiwan's market
is ripe for Ubuntu, but they just don't know it exists! Typing input
was one hurtle. But, also is just general awareness. The Ubuntu
community and Taiwan need help knowing each other more.
As I understand, current Ubuntu users are sophisticated types like
super-geeks, engineers, and professors. They probably provide most
input for Ubuntu's knowledge base, but there is no reason Ubuntu
can't work for normal Taiwanese.
I am doing my small part to get the secret out about Ubuntu and
open-source apps at verb.ink and its YouTube Channel. I believe if
Taiwan learns about Ubuntu, they could reach near saturation in two
years because that's how Taiwan does things. (It went that fast with
Facebook.) That would be a big boost for Ubuntu and open-source.
I think that Ubuntu users in many countries share the picture above. You
know what, I think you should get in touch with the local Ubuntu
community in Taiwan.
Also, the ubuntu-community-team mailing list is a way to share
experiences and ideas with other local communities.
This mailing list is for discussing Ubuntu development, and probably not
the most suitable place for this discussion.
PS I plan to test GCIN on a few Ubuntu distros soon.
Gunnar Hjalmarsson
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