On 4 November 2016 at 12:44, kallinikos Evangelopoulos
<kallinikos2...@yahoo.gr> wrote:
> Thanks very much for the answer. I just checked again, this time with
> --verbose and a reboot, as you suggest, and I got this:
> kernel: 4.4.0-45.66-generic
>   running: true
>   livepatch:
>     state: nothing-to-apply
>     version: ""
>     fixes: ""
> So, it does seem fine, except for the version again, which appears nowhere,
> unlike everyother instance I managed to see, even yours. Are you sure this
> does not pose a problem? It is strange, isn't it?

That doesn't seem strange to me. The version string should be that of
the livepatch kernel module to apply. Currently, there are no
livepatches applied or available to be applied, and hence the version
string is empty.
Note that multiple livepatch versions can be applied against a given
kernel. So, for example, if I don't reboot my machine, and there are
further livepatches released for my currently running kernel then my
version string will keep incrementing whilst the kernel version will
stay the same.

Does above make sense at all?

/me is very new to using livepatches too



> Regards,
> Kall
> Στις 1:29 μ.μ. Παρασκευή, 4 Νοεμβρίου 2016, ο/η Dimitri John Ledkov
> <x...@ubuntu.com> έγραψε:
> Hello,
> On 4 November 2016 at 09:00, Christian Ehrhardt
> <christian.ehrha...@canonical.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> just checked, with the same kernel mine still looks today like yours did
>> initially.
>> If run the status command with --verbose it will list the status it is in,
>> which might help seeing whats going on on your system.
> Well if you reboot every day, then you boot the kernel which is fully
> patched - with all security (not just severe ones) and bugfixes. Such
> kernels are released at the same time as livepatches.
> I.e. if one can afford reboots, one is fully up to date.
> Plus this service is currently running for xenial only.
> I don't like rebooting my desktop. Hence I have:
> $ uptime
> 11:25:14 up 24 days,  7:20,  3 users,  load average: 3.15, 2.50, 2.20
> $ lsmod | grep live
> kpatch_livepatch_Ubuntu_4_4_0_38_57_generic_13    49152  1
> $ sudo canonical-livepatch status --verbose
> client-version: "5"
> machine-id: censored
> machine-token: censored
> architecture: x86_64
> cpu-model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
> last-check: 2016-11-04T11:07:47.882167806Z
> boot-time: 2016-10-11T05:05:04+01:00
> uptime: 583h20m17s
> status:
> - kernel: 4.4.0-38.57-generic
>   running: true
>   livepatch:
>     state: applied
>     version: "13.3"
>     fixes: ""
> Maybe I should reboot into a newer kernel 38 -> 45. If you are running
> 45 kernel, I presume you wouldn't need any livepatches as everything
> is rolled into the latest kernel update.
> --
> Regards,
> Dimitri.



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