On Thu, 2016-09-08 at 18:10 +0300, Thierry Andriamirado wrote:
> Le 8 septembre 2016 01:35:05 UTC+03:00, John Moser <john.r.moser@gmai
> l.com> a écrit :
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> > > There are countless very old computers running Ubuntu, in
> > > Developing
> > > Countries.
> > > 
> > It's not my fault nobody counted.
> It's nobody's fault: many of those Ubuntu boxes are used in villages
> in the bush, and are not even connected to the Internet. Updated from
> time to time via CD-Rom..

Sorry, my socialization is kind of poor, and I never know what's going
to come across.

I was implying that the ideal that there are some unknown "Many" and
that such things serve some dire purpose is imaginative because there
aren't even estimates on program size, much less impact.  Essentially,
you were begging the question, and I called you on it.

So what we have here is an imaginary program with an imaginary impact
that is more-likely to exist the closer we get to 0 (that is:  it's
almost-certain someone in some bush country has 1 or more such
machines; it becomes less-certain the larger we scale).  Directly, the
probability of size can't be known (i.e. estimates are impossible);
indirectly, because the probability of size can't be known, there is a
larger probability of any such thing being smaller and less-effective
--two independent traits stemming from the common cause of not having a
well-defined and well-operating program.

It would be safe to assume OLPC is much larger in scope of impact
because OLPC has a structured program working to maximize effectiveness
and distribution, whereas the supposed Ubuntu systems are theoretically
out there somewhere for some reason as consequence of some effort by

I remain unconvinced of imaginary things--including the imaginary
mountain where one might expect to find at least a molehill.  When you
get a picture of Bigfoot, let me know.

That explanation should be crass enough to sink in.

> -- 
> Envoyé de mon téléphone Android avec K-9 Mail. Excusez la brièveté.

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