[The following message is a re-post from an aborted message thread originally 
sent to <ubuntu-de...@lists.ubuntu.com>.]

Attn. Ubuntu Developers:

I have heard recently that Ubuntu has plans to cancel support for processors in 
the Intel 80386 family (and clones of the same). This is impacting me because I 
have a 32-bit Ubuntu machine (powered by an Intel 80586) which runs Ubuntu 
16.10. This machine, a home laptop converted into a server, is only in the 
testing phase right now and probably will remain there for 6 years at most. 
That is, until I obtain my bachelor's degree in elementary/high school 
education and my teaching certificate (I am going to use this machine for a 
school I will thereafter create).

Security updates for Ubuntu will be necessary for the proper functioning of my 
32-bit server. I therefore propose that you may want to relegate support for 
processors in the Intel 80386 family (and clones thereof) to the Ubuntu 
Community - like you did with support for Ubuntu on PowerPC processors years 
ago. This will be necessary for the proper functioning of Ubuntu on some old 
IBM PC–compatible computers (with an Intel 80586 or later processor) which no 
longer receive mainstream support from their original manufacturers.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Enviado desde mi iPod
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