Dale Amon schreef op 14-07-2016 16:55:
I don't particularly like Secure Boot and UEFI, and in fact for
development work I prefer having the ability to turn them off.

That said, I would almost certainly want to set it up for a
spacecraft system. There are reasons for Secure Boot if you
are security conscious. It is a way to stop the bad guys'n'gals
or at least make life very difficult for them.

To every season, there is a purpose.

But the beauty is in recognising when that season is, and when not.

When it's the time for laughter, you shouldn't be crying, and vice versa. At least, usually not ;-).

Most of life comes down to misrecognising the seasons. At least, the life we see around us. The society we live in.

Not only do most people think half of life does /not/ have a season, the things they believe /do/ have a season, are mostly to them, always.

I believe in this case, Secure Boot is one of those things. If I wanted to find a reason to use it....

It would be when people had physical access to my computer and I would want to protect it also using a BIOS password. This would be a scenario in which such access could be prevalent and common.

Since it doesn't actually protect your data (someone could take out your harddrive) it is merely meant to prevent anyone else from using the computer whatsoever.

That is the reality I would envision for it. If you consider not being tampered with the kernel or its modules to be a reason, which I guess is what it has been "intended" for.... then you must reasonably assume that most common hacks couldn't be done on a running system and would require a reboot. I mean a breach of whatever. Tampering with a system is a long term process. For instance, on most of my machines, triggering a reboot would case the encryption prompt to prevent the system from booting. Linux to my recollection never really spontaneously reboot. That in itself would be a weird sign of something.

If I am a hacker and I want to do "harm" I want to be as invisible as possible. The longer they don't see me, the less worries I have. I cannot expect to be able to reboot someone's machine. At the same time, I cannot expect automated scripts to really deal with that sort of thing.

Now "secure boot" is a bit of a misnomer because the real protection is against the loading of kernel modules in a running system, I would say.

However security comes at a price. In any automated secure-boot system, the keys will be at default locations. If you do not store your keys offline, what good will your system have? And if you do store them offline, how are you going to deal with the hassle of upgrades and changes? You won't.

Therefore the only meaningful place a secure boot system would have, is in a system that is really locked down, and also does not experience any sense of upgrades.

In all other cases I, as a user, would be hindered in doing my thing. To give a small example of how idiotic it can get.

Systemd cryptsetup does not support keyscripts. To get keyscript support for tertiary or secondary mounts (crypts) you have to disable the systemd feature and reenable sysv. However that is rather hard for a beginner in systemd mechanics. So what you end up with is that nofail doesn't work in fstab, and if your mount fails, or your encrypt fails, then your entire system fails to boot.

Now suppose you have taken some time to store your key elsewhere, or to derive it from a secondary source. Such derivation could depend on your local system parameters as well as network parameters. Now if those parameters change, your system fails to boot.

Now in order to boot we must do a thing like init=/bin/bash, because the thing doesn't timeout either. But after init=/bin/bash, we won't have LVM, somehow it fails to load (except for the first volume, on which root is located). So now we first have to go into fstab and disable the mount for the crypt, then reboot, then regenerate the key based on the new parameters, install it into the crypt, reenable the mount, and reboot once more.

However LUKS does not allow you to remove keys without being in possession of them.

How are you going to remove the old key that was generated based on the old parameters, that you no longer have? Trust me, you will forget to change the key in the container prior to making the changes.

You now have to keep the key around. Where are you going to keep the key around? The whole idea in the beginning was to not keep the key around.

Now your key is just sitting in /root for convenience sake. The whole system is almost entirely defeated, based on 3 reasons:

- systemd fails booting or doesn't provide adequate support for something that used to be common - luks requires a key to be given before being removed, even when there is really no such technical requirement.
- it is human nature to only realize a change after it has happened.

Something that is in essence rather easy, is now the most complicated, idiocy-trodden and riddel-riddled thing there can be. And what looked like a good idea (and still is) is just defeated by software mechanics and human nature.

A solution is only as good as the willingness of people to use it.

We are bargaining in sayings here ;-).

Personally if I was designing such space systems I would be focussing on providing outer layers of security so that inner layers can be more flexible. If you have room to move around inside your little hub, that makes life so much more pleasant. You can leave defenses to the outer layers (of which ouf course there could be several).

Securing "boot" is the most inner layer there is, almost, apart from directly patching the running kernel, which is almost the same.

And I would say it gives a false sense of security because most attacks do not need such measures; you would only need it to completely take over a system and hope to remain undetected for the longest time, for instance.

And while you focus on the hidden sanctum, people might be roving about on the outskirts without you noticing it. Because you think you're safe and hence you are not paying much attention anymore.

Here is a guy who depended on the safety of some autonomous system that would do his work for him:


If you think you can depend on automatic systems, you will definitely pay less attention.

After all, why would you or should you? Most of the time it won't be necessary. And in those times that it is necessary, you will be too slow to react. Your sense have already been dulled.

So I guess that to everything is a season.

It's just that the customer is usually not asked about this.

Or they are misinformed. It is fine to think your season is now, but most of the time the voice of the people it is actually about, is kinda getting disregarded. The ones who actually have to use it are not the ones who are promoting it.

Put differently, the ones who promote it, are usually not the ones who have to suffer the consequences as a regular user (because they are not regular users).

It is real cool and sweet to promote something when you know the ins and outs of something and you can deal with the consquences the moment something goes wrong. It is not cool and sweet when you are that person that doesn't know the ins and outs of the system.

People make choices for other people they cannot understand, or do not understand. Put yourself in someone else's place first, to see what something is like. But many... people lack this ability. Many cannot even write proper documentation because they cannot step outside of their own vantage point (as a developer) (that knows everything).

And then they say "How am I supposed to know what it's like (being a new user) --, it has been so long for me."

There is a lot of patronizing going on in thinking you know better than your users, is all I am saying here.


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