
I have been trying to make pyg (https://packages.debian.org/pyg) useful
for me. https://gitlab.com/mcepl/pyg is now buildable with setup.py
build on non-Debian platforms (I am on RHEL-7). Next steps will be
furious removal all stuff unnecessary on python >= 2.6 (or 2.7, not
sure), which will be probably a lot (see some preliminary work in other
branches of that repo). Particularly I would love to put the whole
binary extension out of its misery and replace it with pure Python
solution (if possible).

Any comments on the progress so far?



http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/, Jabber: mc...@ceplovi.cz
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It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought
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  -- Aristotle

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