That guy says the other guy didnt do anything contribs for opensource, then on the next
line says the first guy's music and games are crap. Well doesn't he admit that the guy
contributed? He just doesn't like the games and music and such, doesn't mean they don't exist,
doesn't change the license they are under. I'd say programming under an opensource license
is equal to contributing to opensource, or atleast to free software (maybe there is some nuance
where opensource also requires one to have the right mindset and beliefs, not just release
code under the right licenses?)
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 11:21 PM
From: "J Fernyhough" <>
To: No recipient address
Cc: "Ubuntu Dev-Discuss" <>
Subject: Re: Response to Erich Schubert (systemd fanboi / male feminist) and his lies.
On 11 November 2014 23:18, Chateau DuBlanc <> wrote:
> I expect this post to be censored, it is par for the course for people like you.

I read it, which means it wasn't. However, it's really got nothing to
do with this list.

> Sincerely;
> --MikeeUSA--


Please stop.

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