Am Donnerstag, den 16.05.2013, 15:54 -0400 schrieb Felix Miata: 
> On 2013-05-16 21:27 (GMT+0200) Thomas Prost composed:
> > Martin Pitt wrote:
> >> Thomas Prost wrote:
> >> > So the question is: What must I do to carry on, seeing all what the
> >> > machine is doing - instead of that nice aubergine screen ?
> >> Drop the "splash" boot option. You can do this for an individual boot
> >> in the grub menu editor (press shift after power on to get to the grub
> >> menu), or permantly in /etc/default/grub and then running
> >> "sudo update-grub".
> > You mean that -->
> > #GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"
> > GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="noplymouth noquiet nosplash"
> > I changed the outcommented original first deleting splash - no boot
> > messages :-(
> > Then deleted quiet also - still no messages :-(
> > Then filled in all I could find - up to what you see above.
> > Even if it might not be meaningful it doesn't produce error messages -
> > but still no boot messages on my screen, that still switches to
> > aubergine. Only the Ubuntu sign isn't shown anymore ...
> > Is it possible, that there are scripts pre-loading plymouth ?
> Rebuilding initrd to exclude plymouth should work, but first try 
> splash=verbose on cmdline. You don't need noquiet to not have quiet. Just 
> remove quiet to get the default of not quiet. Playmouth=0 ought to work as 
> well, as should splash=0, which splash=verbose at least used to be an alias 
> of, which in turn at least used to be an alias of the default of no splash of 
> any kind.
It now looks as -->
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="plymouth=0 splash=verbose"
but this also has not had the effect, that I wished.

Maybe the aubergine at boot stays black (it's an old laptop I test it
on, where this difference is hardly seen), but what I hoped for is not a
twenty seconds empty screen but displaying messages right from leaving
the BIOS screen :-(

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