On 03/10/2012 12:01 PM, Kai Mast wrote:
Hey Guys,

I would like to open a discussion about removing Gwibber from the
default install. Gwibber has several defects that make it way worse to
use than the Twitter-Website.

- No support for Twitters Streaming API makes it a lot slower than the
     NOTE: This feature is nearly 2 years old!!

- No autocompletion of usernames makes it much more difficult to
communicate with Gwibber

Also some other stuff that is really annoying:
- No smooth scrolling

- No multi-column view

Is there anybody actually using Gwibber on a daily basic? I have it
uninstalled on all my machines and use Twitter through the Web-Interface.

I would love to use a native desktop-application but Gwibber is just
missing soo many features.

What do you think?

Kai Mast

I personally share your frustration with Gwibber and I personally do not use it because I do not feel that it is a mature and stable Twitter Client although I do know that Ken VanDine has been putting a lot of work into the project since I sometimes peak into his changes to see how the client is progressing. I had hope by 12.04 Gwibber might be a bit more up to par in design and features but maybe next LTS right?

I do not think however that removing Gwibber is a good idea because however much we may dislike the current state of that client it is still widely used and I know people who surprisingly use it.

Benjamin Kerensa                          "I am what I am because
Team Lead, Ubuntu Oregon                  of who we all are." - Ubuntu

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