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Robbie Williamson wrote on 29/01/12 21:39:
> On 01/26/2012 11:12 PM, nick rundy wrote: ...
>> Just to be clear, I'm not asking that an application-firewall
>> (as Jason Todd was speaking of) be created to solve this problem.
>> I'm totally fine with a solution that doesn't involve a firewall.
>> It's just that an application firewall allows me to solve this
>> problem when I use Windows, so it is the only base of reference I
>> have to speak to.

I designed an application-based firewall interface to be part of
Ubuntu's networking settings, but no-one has volunteered to implement
it yet. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Networking#Firewall>

> Sounds like nethogs can solve the problem of knowing which
> processes are currently sucking down bandwidth.  As for your
> indicator idea, I think a simple GUI front-end to nethogs would be
> the first step.

indicator-multiload can graph overall network traffic in the menu bar.

> The application could reside with other system apps, and simply be
> fired up when a user wants this information.  An indicator would
> mean nethogs running all the time in the background, unnecessarily 
> consuming resources, imho.  Anyone up for guifying nethogs? :-)
> ...

It's even easier than that. System Monitor graphs overall CPU, memory,
and network use in its "Resources" tab. And it tabulates CPU and
memory use, but *not* network use, per process in its "Processes" tab.
So all that's missing is a column for network use in that table.

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