This is an upstream change to remove all the "advanced" font settings
from the control panel. You can still set most all of them within
dconf-editor directly though.

On Tue, 2012-01-10 at 10:38 -0300, Ryan Hayle wrote:
> It seems that there is no longer a way to set the correct DPI for a
> particular screen.  I'm testing 12.04 on a MacBook with a 110 DPI
> screen.  This is correctly detected by Xorg (107x103 detected by
> nvidia driver in Xorg log file), however xdpyinfo shows the resolution
> is still set to 96 DPI.  I don't even know what layer of
> Xorg/GNOME/Unity is causing this problem, so I'm not sure where to
> file a proper bug report anymore.  It seems like a rather serious
> issue to fix before 12.04 is released for 5 years!
> There is already a wishlist bug to add this to the Displays control
> panel: 
> It should presented in such a way that users understand that this is a
> physical characteristic of their display that must be correct and
> should never be changed.  I guess GNOME 3 also text-scaling-factor
> setting which is useful, but should not be confused with the physical
> DPI characteristic.  Unfortunately it seems this is not quite the same
> as a UI-scaling property which would resize UI elements as well, which
> is what we really need.  Thoughts?  What am I missing here?  My main
> laptop has as 147 screen, and I would never want a lower resolution
> screen again, so I really hope to see this issue finally fixed!
> --
> Ryan

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