Thanks for the prompt reply. lol on me for thinking those lists aren't that active :-) proven otherwise now ;)
still i did visit the site mentioned in your reply.Will take a second look at it again. it would have helped a lot if launchpad featured a category where extras or miscellaneous people like me who find it difficult to decide to join under a particular category. Speaking with respect to how can u help color coded sections. Those even are just highlighted words with no links regarding how to join or links relating to the actual topic. After lot of clicking did i mange to find this devel lists( though i dont regret finding this now :-) ) I just hope contributing became lot easier so that ubuntu as a whole can grow more rapidly. also i hope u saw a brainstorm link i gave searching deeper in launchpad found some ideas in my brainstorm link have been reported as bugs and are in development. -thanks On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 7:47 PM, Michael Vogt <> wrote: > Hi! > > On Sun, Dec 04, 2011 at 12:14:47AM +0530, joy chalissery wrote: > > here is the link where is gave something in writing > > > > please do read the comments following the idea > > admin talked about getting involved with development team. > > Thanks for your interesst in improving the software-center! > > > I am not a programmer of expert level but would like to give some > > suggestions . > > Saw about the teams and categories. > > But no where there was a team which took in suggestions may be about a > > single software in bulk. > > i can do art,bit of programming, but more importantly give suggestion on > > improving which can be easily > > acted upon by developers. > > > > So the question is which team to join/ location of a suggestion box ? > where > > i could contribute to ubuntu. > > There are various way to approach the software-center team, check >, it links to the spec that has a > subsection about how to contribute. We are keen to hear your ideas and > we always welcome help! > > In addition to suggestions, the best is probably to start hacking at > the source code, even if you are not a expert programmer. We are happy > to help you getting started, there is the software-store-developers > mailing list and the #software-center irc channel where we hang out > and can help. The scarce resource for us is people working on the > implementation of all the great ideas that are floating around. So > every bit helps! > > Thanks, > Michael > -- -- joy
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