Excerpts from Allison Randal's message of Thu Apr 21 08:14:17 -0700 2011:
> - Ship Ubuntu One client (only) in a PPA.

Having a micro-release exception per ScottK's suggestion is better than
this, because then you don't have to have the user go through the step
of adding the PPA. Given the capabilities U1 adds to Ubuntu, I'd say
its worth it to do that rather than go the PPA route and put a barrier
in front of users. Make sure U1 "just works".

For other apps, the PPA/apt source route works fine. I use Google
Chrome*. As part of their install they add an apt source for themselves
and just update that way. It works quite well, and I think we should
encourage other "network enabled" apps that aren't good enough/ready
for a micro-release exception to go this route.


* not sure why I choose this over our Chromium, I guess just to be
different and I keep hoping the Google Hive Mind will assimilate me

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