Since upgrading to ubuntu 10.10, the LCD display on my mythtv home server is 
having garbage sent to it whenever the box boots up, which very annoyingly just 
so happens to also include a series of bytes that reprograms the display's 
firmware settings. 

I finally tracked down what was doing it, it turns out to be modem manager.

I presume what modem manager is doing at startup is trying to discover 
connected modems by sending AT codes down every serial interface it can find.

I can't emphasise enough how bad/rude having a service assume everything 
connected to a serial must be a modem, and it autmatically has rights to send 
data to it without any regard to what damage sending incompatible commands to 
any other type of device could cause. Just FYI I also have a device programmer 
that uses serial. Imagine the damage modem manager could do to that.

The default behaviour of modemmanager needs to be fixed so it doesn't send 
garbage on ports it hasn't been given permission to own.

I can't find any documentation online anywhere about how to configure modem 
manager. I did find plenty of posts from other people experiencing similar 
problems though. What is the prescribed remedy for stopping it trashing my 
display until a better mannered version comes out? Is my only option to totally 
remove the modemmanager package or can it be somehow configured to be more 

Neil Cooper.



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