Esp. how it interacts with Ubuntu/Debian packaging.

For example on my Ubuntu 10.04 system I installed tftpd-hpa and find
that it's been converted to upstart.

No problem, except that I don't want it to start when my system boots, I
want it to be started via xinetd (I need it to work this way in order to
test compatibility with other software; please don't suggest "just don't
do that"... I have to do it).

What's the proper/recommended way to change the configuration of this
package so that (a) it doesn't conflict with new packages installed, and
(b) upstart does not try to start tftpd when my system boots.

In the "old" SysV way there were fancy tools that managed the SysV
symlinks and a method for modifying them that was, be consensus,
preserved across upgrades/etc.  How do I do the equivalent thing with

I (finally) found the init.5 man page so I see the format of the config
file, but is there some way to customize the startup of these packages
other than hand-editing conf files?

So far my Google/etc. searching for admin-level details of upstart
hasn't netted me very much.


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