Le dimanche 16 mai 2010 à 22:51 +0530, Owais Lone a écrit :
> On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 10:41 PM, Owais Lone <he...@owaislone.org>
> wrote:
>         Hey there. Love you guys for the work you did in Lucid.
>         Amazing.
>         So, here I am loving Ubuntu, checking out quickly. I really
>         love quickly and quickly-widgets.
>         My concern/question is that when someone uses quickly widgets,
>         it makes his quickly-done-cool-app depend on quickly.
>         Which in-turn depends on lots and lots of things. So my 100kb
>         cool-app now downloads megabytes with it.
>         Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that how it works?
>         I think widgets and prompts should be moved to
>         a separate package or qucikly should insert the code for the
>         widgets to some module in the app itself.
>         May be something like this.
>         $ quickly add quickly-widget couch-grid
>         and the code for couch-grid sits in MY-COOL-APP.Widgets.
>         This way no app will depend on quickly itself.
> I got it friends. I just realized that widgets are contained in
> python-quickly and not quickly itself. 

To be exact, widgets are contained in python-quickly-widgets which only
depends on python-quickly-core and some pygtk things ;)

So, no depends on Quickly itself and you don't get a world of tons of
developer dependencies.

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