I am not an Ubuntu developer; I learn a lot, however, from lurking on this 
list. If this is not the right forum to raise this issue, I would be grateful 
for a pointer in a better direction.

I use Kubuntu. I have many years experience at breaking development software 
and of filing bug reports. Efforts to install Kubuntu Lucid Lynx beta1 on an 
amd64 machine have generated numerous problems, all of which I have tried to 
document at Launchpad.

The focus of this message is one bug which the Apport retracer on Launchpad 
tagged as a duplicate. The original bug (of which mine was marked duplicate) 
was originally submitted on 2009-12-14, that is, as Karmic was approaching 
release. A fix was released the following day, 2009-10-15.

I suspect that I may be dealing with a regression. If I do nothing to flag that 
concern, there would appear to be a risk that the bug would never come to the 
attention of a developer.

I have therefore changed the status of the bug from "Fix Released" to "New." I 
also deleted the tag "regression-retracer," and substituted the tag 

I personally would always hesitate to re-open a bug once it is marked "Fix 
Released," and would prefer to file a new bug. The designers of the Apport 
retracer see matters differently. Are the changes in status to the old bug the 
best way to signal that it once again requires attention? Is there a better way?

Bruce Miller, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
br...@brmiller.ca; (613) 745-1151
Just when you think your software is idiot proof, somebody comes up with a 
better idiot
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