On Fri, 2010-03-26 at 12:00 +0000, Remco wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 07:44, Chandru <chandru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I understand that notifications are not manually?close-able?to avoid making
> > the user take a?conscious?decision about notifications. ?However, there are
> > certain cases where user might want to immediately close the notification
> > without waiting for it to time-out (certain chat messages, for example).
> Indeed, I can imagine a case of private messages popping up when
> you're doing a presentation. It should be possible to quickly get rid
> of them in such a case.

The notification system will not pop up any notifications when your
screensaver is inhibited. During a presentation, Impress probably
inhibits the screensaver (never tried it, but it would make sense for
Impress to do this).

> > To handle these cases, can't we allow manual closing of the notifications
> > (say by clicking it) while still retaining the time-out based closing to
> > ensure that the user can still ignore it without any difference?
> This doesn't work, because part of the design is that you must be able
> to click behind the notification. A better solution would be to
> instantly remove the notification if you closed the chat window or the
> application, or changed your status to busy/invisible/offline.

I believe the Ubuntu developers found that if you have the ability to
close a notification, the user feels that they need to stop what they're
doing and close it. I certainly did, even though I knew there was a
timeout. With the new system there's no alternative but to let the
system clean its own notifications up, so it's something I can't worry
about. Having no freedom to close notifications make me feel like I'm
free to ignore them. Sounds illogical, but it's one of those things that
makes my computing experience happier and less frustrating.

The only problem is that the notifications are too pretty - I tend to
drop everything and use my mouse to fade them in and out! And then I get
disappointed when they time out :(


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