2009/12/23 Florian Diesch <die...@spamfence.net>

> omar ar <papan_selaj...@yahoo.com> writes:
> > Why not the ubuntu developer develope the cyber cafe software that
> > works with ubuntu server and clients. There is no any cyber cafe
> > software for ubuntu yet. and make it open source perhaps. It will make
> > easier for anybody who wants to open a cyber cafe business.
> There seem to be a few programs like
>  <http://zeiberbude.sourceforge.net/>
>  <http://cyborg.sourceforge.net/index.html.en>
>  <
> http://www.outkastsolutions.co.za/outkast/index.php?option=com_openwiki&Itemid=45&id=outkafe
> >
> They are just not packaged for Ubuntu.

If it's in debian, it's easier to have it in Ubuntu.
If not, you'll need to make it available in debian first.

Zeiderbude is in Debian. The 2 others, no.

This from a fast googling.

The next step is to create a bug asking the upload of Zeiderbude in Ubuntu.

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