David MENTRE wrote:
> Hello,
> I have successfully build a source package and uploaded it to my
> PPA. Unfortunately, by default the PPA is for Jaunty while I wanted to
> build the package for Karmic.
> As far as I have understood, one needs to tell the requested Ubuntu
> release using a .dput.cf configuration parameter "incoming =
> ~<lp_name>/ppa/ubuntu/<a ubuntu suite>", where "<a ubuntu suite>" is
> "karmic", "jaunty", etc. 

PPAs do not default to any particular distroseries.

The primary means of specifying which series an upload is to be built in
is exactly the same as used for uploads to the Debian or Ubuntu
distributions - the distribution field in the debian/changelog file,
which is copied into the .changes file by the build process.

The trick of appending a series name to the upload incoming URL that you
mention above is actually just a special-case feature to allow
overriding the normal method. I believe it's intended to allow you to
upload an unmodified Debian source package to a PPA.

> Is this correct? Is there a way to make a PPA dedicated to a given
> release? 

PPAs are not inherently bound to particular releases. You simply choose
which release each upload to a PPA is directed to.

> If I want to have the same package for different releases (jaunty and
> karmic for example), how do I must proceed?

Option 1: Build the package in the earliest series, and copy it,
including its binary packages, into later series. Test that the binary
packages still work and are installable in the newer series.

Option 2: Upload several different versions targeted at different series.

Relevant documentation:



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