> Are you not part of this community?

No, I am not a developer. I am part of the broader community of ubuntu 
users (I do lots of bug reporting). If I write to ubuntu-devel-discuss 
maybe there is some developer on it, and maybe they can even communicate 
between each other. But let us stop questioning this since

I am not as stupid as I may look like, therefore I also contacted the 
list you suggest, as I _already_ replied to Sebastien. That was only two 
days ago, so you can still scream that this problem is all my fault and 
that there is nothing bad, that I have to be patient and wait for a reply.

I am NOT going to second this: lots of important people, including Mark 
Shuttleworth, read this list, and if nobody has been concerned with 
replying about that issue for more than one year, then ubuntu is not 
respecting the principles that lead _me_ to use and campaign for free 

Time may be still an excuse, so I am going to wait for a week more for 
an ubuntu-mozilla-team reply. If the issue is not important they may 
reply in six months or so, but for me it has become an urgent matter.

It already was urgent one year ago, but I decided I could live with 
that. When I saw the custom page being pushed also in the firefox search 
box, which has the google symbol on it, and no ubuntu specific 
decoration, I realised I had not been doing my duties as a free software 
advocate and user, and decided that this time I will either get a 
satisfactory reply or quit.

I publicly committed to the free software philosophy many times, also 
during my career, so for me it is vital to know if what I am working for 
is what I expect.

> I do think nobody here knows the answer. It's something specific to
> one package (albeit an important one). It's probably best to get in
> touch with the Mozilla team directly:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam#Communication
> Remco

Let us not joke about this. Surely much more people than that team knows 
about this, I do NOT believe that it's a decision of their own, that was 
not discussed in a broader council. That is why I expected somebody on 
THIS list to know about that.

The fact that I am alone in asking and, also, no developer is worried 
about that page, is really strange.

I can't believe, for example, that ex-debian-developers may pass this 
under silence. That's another reason why I thought this list would have 
been ok. Probably philosophy does not drive free software anymore.

Eventually, I will grow up and understand that free software is only 
about licenses, and that money drives all of us. That's a problem of my own.


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