To everyone interested, our first meeting will be on july 26th at 19:00 UTC
in #ubuntu-gaming**

This is a good time to address still existing concerns

On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 02:05, Emmet Hikory <> wrote:

> Danny Piccirillo wrote:
> > Sorry i dropped off the face of the planet for a while. I am back now! I
> > have heard all of the concerns, and i hope i can address them now. I am
> > open to change the team, and i want to sincerely apologize for all the
> > confusion and misunderstanding. One of the first changes i made to the
> > team was linking to the Debian Games Team and Freedesktop Games from the
> > wiki and launchpad page.
> >
> > People noticed that although i stated that the team would only be
> > working from a marketing/advocacy standpoint, i went on about an
> > advantage to FOSS gaming is that code and content can be reused, but
> > that was not to say that /we/ would be dealing with any actual game
> > development. There was a lot of talk about assigning bugs to the team
> > and dealing with bugs through the team. I do not think this team should
> > have that focus at all. As said before, the Debian Games Team can
> > already handle that. What this team can do is tap into the Ubuntu
> > community which i am sure is full of gamers who want to get involved
> > with spreading the love. Members of this team can pass ideas onto
> > developers, and bridge connections between users (which most of the team
> > should be made up of) and the Debian Games Team and Freedesktop Games,
> > where appropriate, of course. There are also a lot of things that we
> > will do that i don't believe falls under the scope of the Debian Games
> > Team or Freedesktop Games. fundraisers, game tournaments, creating an
> > Ubuntu Gaming Clan, etc.
> >
> > I'm having trouble responding to all of the concerns, so could someone
> > list all of the issues that have been raised so far in a bulleted list
> > if the above doesn't cover everything already?
> >
> > The last question is what to do next. Is a new name really necessary at
> > this point? And if so, what should the new name be?
> Danny,
>    If you have the time to lead the team in efforts towards advocacy,
> events, etc., and are able to help build consensus by those interested
> in the team that this is the direction of the team, you end up
> addressing many of my concerns.  I'm still a little unhappy with the
> name, because I think that people have interpreted it incorrectly in the
> past, and would expect them to interpret it incorrectly in the future,
> but if it is a sufficiently dynamic team, with strong relations to
> related teams (without overlapping areas of activity), it may have a
> place.  That said, I called for the team to be uncreated, rather than
> simply for a name change.
>    My personal feeling is that the work is better done as a
> collaboration between the Marketing and LoCo teams, rather than as a
> separate team.  Specifically that I believe the Marketing team would do
> well to develop greater documentation on best practices for advocacy and
> events, and the LoCo teams are in the best position to implement these
> between real people around the world.  In the specific area of Gaming, I
> would expect the Marketing team to develop guidelines on how to run a
> tournament, prepare distributable materials discussing how Ubuntu is
> good for gamers, and similar work.  I would expect the LoCo teams to
> actually hold the tournaments, and promote Ubuntu as a gaming platform.
>  My hope is that by demonstrating how this could work for Gaming, those
> interested in other areas (e.g. science, education, audio production,
> etc.) would be able to build similar parallel efforts, sharing
> experiences on doing things within the Marketing and LoCo teams, rather
> than creating separate teams for each area of endeavour.  Whether that
> social model is one that those who end up building the documentation and
> doing the promotion prefer, or whether those in each area of endeavour
> would prefer to have separate teams is not something I know, but I
> prefer to avoid separation where possible, and rather integrate people
> working on the same thing with different foci into functional teams, as
> I believe this leads to better communication of best practices to
> accomplish known goals.
>    Regardless of the social model selected, I do believe that this is
> work worth doing.  While there are a number of resources for developers
> of free games, there are few resources for users or promoters.  Better
> information about available games, guidance on setting up tournaments
> and local servers for gaming parties, presentation materials
> demonstrating the value of Ubuntu as a gaming platform, and similar
> would all be valuable.
>    I suspect that a fair amount of the initial rejection was related to
> surprise and confusion based purely on the name and apparent lack of
> coordination with those already working in what were perceived as
> overlapping areas, but I'm not sufficiently sure of the full set of
> complaints by others to be comfortable generating a bulleted list that
> would be complete enough for direct response.
> --
> Emmet HIKORY

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