To sum up: 1) Some use KB and mean base 2 (historical), some use KB and mean base 10 (modern / some hardware packaging), some governing bodies are pushing for KiB, e.g. IEEE
2) There is a mixture of the KB base 2 and KB base 10 "in the wild" while KiB is starting to get traction 3) Ubuntu - is Linux for Human beings. From this thread we can see a few Ubunteros confused and failing to reach consensus or are confused what is meant by what and where. 4) But at least we recognize that there are inconsistencies in CLI/GUI utilities and programms: across Ubuntu, Linuxes, Unix-like and other OS's; as well as hardware manufacturer's (RAM in base 2, HDD's in base 10) To move things forward a good starting point would be to consolidate flamewa... erhhrr... information in a consise blueprint / wiki-page in clear and structured manner with intro, history, current situation, use-cases, different resolutions (pro / cons). And possibly involve other people in the new more structured discussion. (eg when we have this wikipage invite Aytana, Gnome and others to look at it prepose, discuss......) -- With best regards Dmitrijs Ledkovs (for short Dima), Ледков Дмитрий Юрьевич -- Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list Modify settings or unsubscribe at: