> That is not the case with OpenSolaris based ZFS root capable 
> installations. While the whole disk maybe taken up by a zfs pool, the 
> installation will create three at least zfs filesystems. ROOT/, 
> ROOT/opt, export, and export/home all exist on my OpenSolaris 
> installation. So all data is stored in the user's home directory is not 
> at all affected by upgrades or downgrades.

...I need more sleep and to get out of Hong Kong...my command of English 
has gone down the drain.

Allow me to retype that:

That is not the case with OpenSolaris based ZFS root capable 
installations. While the whole disk maybe taken up by a zfs pool, the 
installation will create at least three zfs filesystems. ROOT/, 
ROOT/opt, export, and export/home all exist on my OpenSolaris 
installation. So all data is stored in the user's home directory and is not 
at all affected by upgrades or downgrades.

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