On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 9:49 PM, Jan Claeys <li...@janc.be> wrote:

> Op dinsdag 28-04-2009 om 22:09 uur [tijdzone +0300], schreef Marius
> Gedminas:
> > Why is it a bug?  According to Matthew Garrett, to save power, you
> > want to finish executing a task as soon as possible, which means
> > running for a shorter time at 100% speed.
> That won't save power for an application that runs forever though, which
> is what Evan wants (running a BOINC client).
> Seems like a good use-case to me; any (almost) perpetual background-task
> should not scale up the CPU frequency.  How to implement that behaviour
> is up to the linux devs though...  ;)

It is already implemented in the form of the ignore_nice_load setting. This
site [1] explains it well.

The bug report [2] is because in Jaunty, this setting is ignored, and not

[1] http://www.pantz.org/software/cpufreq/usingcpufreqonlinux.html
[2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cpufreqd/+bug/368809

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