On Mon, 02 Mar 2009 13:51:20 -0600 Robbie Williamson <rob...@ubuntu.com> 
>Hi all,
>The release schedule for Karmic is now available at
>https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule.  Over the next couple 
months, we
>will be hard at work getting Jaunty ready for release in April.  However, 
>can expect to see the first Karmic milestone in mid-May, followed by a 
cease of
>automatic syncs from Debian towards the end of June, and feature freeze in 
>August. For details of the Karmic Ubuntu Developer Summit, please go to
Could we have some discussion about cutting two weeks off of getting new 
packages in?  I'd like to understand why it was moved back and what problem 
we are trying to solve.  Was there some discussion already of adding an 
earlier "NewPackageUploadDeadline"?

I thought the freeze consolidation has been very good and I wouldn't want 
us to casually spread things back out.

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