On Monday 02 March 2009 6:03:52 am Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> Chris Cheney wrote on 28/02/09 21:08:
> >
> > On Sat, 2009-02-28 at 12:38 +0100, Markus Hitter wrote:
> >...
> >> I can understand this is difficult to get swallowed. For 40 (or more)
> >> years now, the rule was 1 pixel = 1 dot on the screen. A picture,
> >> 100px x 100px in size used to use exactly 100 x 100 dots on screen.
> >> Now, this is no longer true.
> >...
> > However, it seems you have gotten several things confused.
> >...
> > Px means pixel which is a picture element and is an abomination that it
> > was ever allowed into the HTML specification at all. 1 pixel definitely
> > means 1 picture element (dot) on the screen. That is where the word
> > pixel comes from. Redefining pixel to mean something else instead of
> > just using Pt properly would be crazy.
> Actually, Markus is quite correct. For Web development, "100px" has not
> meant "100 pixels" since CSS1 in 1996. Rather, it means "100 × (0.0227
> degrees, at a typical viewing distance, rounded to the nearest pixel)".
> This conveniently equates to 1 pixel on a 90 dpi display viewed at a
> distance of 28 inches. But if either the viewing distance or the DPI is
> much different, the calculation changes.

So, for people who put their face one-handspan from the screen, what's a 

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo

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