Felix Miata wrote:
> How nice for you that you've never had broken X, and never will have, and
> never will need to help someone else with broken X.
>> So no, I don't think MC _needs_ to be anywhere.
> Right. You'll never need it, so no one else should have it either. Ever heard
> of the tyranny of the majority?

How exactly is mc vital to fixing a broken X?  Your argument seems like 
complaining that emacs is not installed on the livecd.  While it is my 
favorite editor, I can get by just fine with pico or even vi if I must 
for rescue/recovery purposes.

At the end of the day if you prefer your rescue/recovery cd to have mc 
on it, then use one that has it.  You mention Knoppix, so go ahead and 
use that if you like it.  Remember: the Ubuntu live cd is primarily a 
demo/install disk rather than a rescue/recovery tool, like Knoppix is.

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