A bug was recently discovered in libgnomecanvas ubuntu that makes 
xournal (perhaps the most important application for tablet PCs in 
ubuntu) not work very well. Notice that it is the only open bug in 
xournal in ubuntu.

The bug is reported here


and the upstream coder provided an explanation for the bug which is in 
libgnomecanvas and also a solution. However, he is worried that there 
might not be developers actively working on libgnomecanvas in ubuntu: he 
asked me

I don't think that
anyone's monitoring libgnomecanvas bugs for Ubuntu though - is there any
way to contact an actual person who's maintaining the package ?

(or is this because libgnomecanvas is auto-imported from Debian? in that
case that must mean Debian also got the bug, and one needs to figure out
how to report things there... it's a libgnomecanvas bug but xournal is
almost the only application affected by it, so we can't rely on other
libgnomecanvas users to report it for us).

I don't know the answer myself, what should be done to get this fixed? Please 
someone take care of this.

Thank you


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