Hello Stefano,

Stefano Zacchiroli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This is a bad idea, rather I'm copying
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is _the_ contact place for
> OCaml maintenance in Debian.

Sorry. Thought about it but did not want to bother debian people. I'm
keeping the Cc:.

> Last note, the first needed step IMO is to identify who, Ubuntu side,
> has interest in maintaining OCaml-related stuff. Thus far, each time we
> received a complaint from Ubuntu users we were unable to reply anything
> else than «works in Debian, try using our packages», mainly because we
> have no Ubuntu-specifc knowledge and no Ubuntu contact address for
> OCaml-related problems.

For now, I can try to be the contact point on the Ubuntu side. As I
said, I'm subscribed to debian-ocaml-maint@ so I can follow Ubuntu's
related request there.

Regarding the need of an Ubuntu dedicated developer for OCaml-related
stuff, for now I only plan to request on specific synchronizations. Time
will tell if this is enough or not. If not, we'll see if I can step in
as an Ubuntu developper, judging on my abilities and on the time I can
allocate to this task.

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