2008/8/10 Philip Wyett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The argument Luke puts forward for keeping pidgin by default for the
> time being I totally agree with. I have installed empathy under hardy
> and it connects to nothing by default but asks you to install
> 'backends'. I know it uses telepathy so knew what to look for but any
> common user would not, so this makes the application useless and
> documentation is non existent to guide you!

Intrepid Empathy package install backends by default. Hardy is outdated.

> Also...
> * butterfly for msn does not work.

You need pymsn 0.3.3 which is not in hardy but in intrepid

> * msn connections under haze will not allow you to change on-line status
> state.

Didn't tested with haze, but with butterfly it works perfectly.
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