Am Mittwoch, den 07.05.2008, 10:31 +0200 schrieb Peio Ziarsolo:
> Hello everybody,
> I have found different behaviours between firefox 2 and firefox3 when
> they detect a bad ssl certificate.
> Firefox 2, when detects the bad certificate warms you about it and give
> you the choise to carry on.
> Firefox 3, when detects the bad certificates, it show you a error page
> and doesn't allow you to look at it.
> I would like to know before report like a bug if this is a new security
> feature or if it is just a bug. It's annoniying not be able to look at a
> lot of web pages.

It *is* different behavior; However, if you read the whole error
message, you will find a way to download the "bad" certificate and add
it to a whitelist, thus allowing to view the page. It's a bit more
difficult to do than earlier, but it protects the user better from bad

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