I've just installed Gutsy Gibbon on a harddrive with 4 distros on it. The 
install went ok, and was able to select which partitions I wanted to use to 
install Gutsy Gibbon on, but after that the install went into auto mode, and 
post install I find that Gutsy Gibbons Grub has been installed in the MBR, 
replacing my FC2's Grub, that had chainloader links to my 2 Debian installs, 
and to the FC3 install, which partitions are now being used by GG.

I've reinstalled FC2's grub in the MBR, but up to now havn't found out how to 
install GG's Grub into GG's / partition (hda9). When I can, I can simply 
create another chainloader entry in FC2's Grub, so as to be able to boot GG.

The request I have is, is it possible to include options as to where the 
bootloader is going to be installed in Gutsy Gibbons installer program, as 
are present in other distros. The default is usually the MBR, but you are 
usually presented with other places to install the bootloader.


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