So this may be that vlc is not using pulse audio. As flash seems to
work fine. But if I start a gstreamer app and then vlc, can't get any
sound out of vlc. If I start vlc before a gstreamer app then, the
gstreamer app can't do audio.

But flash seems to work fine.

The big question though is how is this going to effect games and apps
that do not have pulse audio support .. and do the logical thing and

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 2:53 PM, Milan Bouchet-Valat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jerone Young wrote:
>  > I think I am seeing a similar problem in Hardy. It appears to have
>  > something to do with gstream.
>  >
>  > 1) If i use any app that uses gstreamer (rhythmbox) , then I can no
>  > longer hear sound out of flash or vlc.
>  >
>  > 2) When using flash or vlc .. I can nolonger hear anything from
>  > gstreamer enabled apps (rhythmbox).
>  >
>  > I believe gstreamer is trying to get complete control of the sound
>  > deivce.. no idea yet. I figured I would do a better analysis of this
>  > over the weekend.
>  >
>  GStreamer normally automatically detects which sound output is the best
>  to use - it may be wrong here, and for example use alsa instead of
>  PulseAudio, thus blocking the whole sound system. But this scenario
>  would imply that PulseAudio is not started first...
>  Anyway, you can run 'gstreamer-properties', which will allow you to
>  select manually sound outputs. Just try every proposed sink, and see
>  what happens with each case. You may also want to check whether
>  PulseAudio is started at all! ;-)
>  Hope this helps

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