On Tue, 2008-01-08 at 17:51 +0100, Thorsten Wilms wrote:
> > Let's hope it won't be forgotten in the depth of the ML, like many
> > other great things... Have you directly contacted the authors?
> An email to Colin Watson (installer team leader), no answer.
> Hmm, yes, maybe I should contact the debian installer authors.

I would kindly advise against that.  While debian-installer forms the
base code for ubiquity, the Ubuntu desktop CD installer, the interface
code is an entirely separate body of work maintained by the Ubuntu
Installer Team.  So being something that they don't themselves use, the
Debian developers would probably have little interest in this subject.

I imagine the reason you have not gotten a response from Colin yet is
that he has been on holiday, and most certainly has a large backlog of

But please be patient, I am finishing up a reply to your original email


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