On Tue, 2008-01-08 at 09:05 +1300, Jonathan Musther wrote:
> Agreed.  I don't know why gparted was abandoned, it provided a more
> user friendly way to do things.  I like the proposal here too!

GParted was abandoned because it was actually just an embedded window
rather than an actual component of the installer, which lead to a whole
host of bugs.  The interactive communication that we have with the
partitioner backend now, which allows us to determine what options are
available to the user based on certain criteria, would not be possible
with the GParted hack.  We also would not be able to handle advanced
partitioning in a single page like we do now.

I'm sure there's more, but it's been a long time since we used GParted
and my memory is a little fuzzy on every good reason we had for ripping
it out.

The current UI needs work to be as usable as GParted, but such work is
in progress, with more planned in the future.

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