While this is not yet a major issue since the majority of users still choose Ubuntu expressly over Windows or Mac (and realize what they're getting into), there are several problems inherent with Ubuntu's growing popularity. One of these is that less technical users may purchase off-the-shelf software written for Win/Mac and expect it to run. While this is essentially their fault for not researching the system requirements of the software, Ubuntu could handle it far better than it currently does. At the moment it essentially ignores all Win/Mac binaries with an error that it could not open the file. This email is mainly to open up this topic for discussion, but the following is what I personally would like to see implemented for 8.10 (most of these changes are too large for LTS).
When a binary is run, instead of giving the current error, provide a dialogue that notifies the user of the fact that it is a Windows program that cannot be run normally under Ubuntu. Then give the user two options: - list / install equivalent software for linux, the recommended option (via partnership with an organization like www.linuxalt.com or similar) - attempt to run it under wine (with caveat that it may not work) While I realize that wine is still highly unstable and incomplete, it is making progress, and it will now run the majority of programs which support win2k and earlier. Theoretically it should be starting to get better support for XP (which most new programs still support) by the 8.10 release, which will make it moderately useful. It won't run everything, but it will be considerably more useful than it has been in the past (largely in thanks to the slow Windows release cycle). In addition, Ubuntu should also add support for CD/DVD autorun. The majority of non-techy users will pop a CD in the drive and expect the installer to come up automatically. While most of them will be knowledgeable enough to browse the disk and find 'installer.exe' or 'setup.exe', this would be a nice feature to make Ubuntu even more user-friendly. Ideally, Ubuntu would be able to identify the program (using a file hash? out of my depth here), and automatically list equivilant programs, as well as that program's rating in the Wine AppDB, directly inside the dialogue. I imagine that this would be difficult, but I'm not sure, and it would be really great if possible. Again, this is mainly to open the subject up for discussion, so discuss away! Evan
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